Saturday, 12 October 2013

7 Amazing health benefits of cucumbers

Cucumber is one of the healthiest fruit that is rich in vitamin B. It helps to keep your health at optimum level.  Taking this regularly in sufficient amount promotes good health.  It is very economical health diet that is preferred by doctors. It is generally known as the favorite fruit of doctors. It should be included in the health diet of the individuals who would like to gain toned or good structure. It is the natural medicine that helps to combat against many diseases and symptoms. Cucumber has ample amount of water. This fruit when mixed with other ingredients makes you achieve fit and healthy. 

Some of the extraordinary benefits that are obtained by taking cucumbers include:

Ample water content
To keep body cool people has to take cucumber in their meals regularly. You can maintain optimum water level in your body by eating cucumber. Insufficient water in human body leads to many health problems. This water helps to reach the nutrients to the entire body. In addition, it purifies the blood and makes it less dense. 

Rich in micro-nutrients
Cucumbers are very rich in micro-nutrients  These nutrients are very helpful for the human body to get relieve from many diseases.  The potassium, sodium and salts present in this fruits helps to refresh your body nerve nodes that are in exhaust position. So, eating cucumbers makes you feel fresh after carrying out workouts for longer period of time. Gym goers, sports people have to eat this cucumber regularly to boost their endurance. In addition, this fruit has very less amount of calories which does not allow you to gain any weight.

High anti-oxidants
Cucumbers have ample amount of anti oxidants such as alpha and beta-carotene, zea-xanthin and lutein. The free radicals that are incorporated in your body can be totally eradicated by eating these cucumbers on regular basis. If proper care is not taken against the free radicals, people may have to face ageing problems such as wrinkles etc at early age. Since, it shortens the chromosome tips which are the main cause of ageing.  
Abundance of vitamins
Cucumber has vital vitamins such as K, C and A in it. These vitamins help to maintain good health. Vitamin K present in cucumber helps to keep your bones strong and healthy without getting prone to bone diseases where as Vitamin C and A present in this fruit maintains proper functioning of eyes, kidneys, nerves etc.

Maintain blood pressure at optimum level
The highest water content present in this fruits helps to keep your blood pressure under control. It removes oxygen from blood and therefore promoting good health. Sodium and potassium a class of micro nutrients embedded in this fruits helps in removing oxygen from blood

Keeps your urinary tract healthy
We know that cucumber have ample amount of water content in it. Taking this fruits means, drinking ample of water. This excess water does not allow stone formation in kidneys or in urinary tracts. In addition, this dissolves all the salts quickly and keeps the color of urine whiter.

Rich in fiber

Cucumber is rich in fiber which is easily dissolvable. This fiber protects you from heart strokes, attacks and kidney related problems. It keeps your body clean and removes the oxygen from undesired depositions by providing roughages to the blood. 

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