Teas have been used for medication from past centuries. They
are many different types of tea available in the market using different
flavors. But among all white tea is more prominent one. This is been taken by
people all across the world and especially in China. Although this is the least
processed tea but has high level of antioxidants embedded in it. It is
considered as the best and excellent health drinks for all age people.
High anti-oxidant level
Your body is protected from free radicals by these
anti-oxidants. These free radicals are highly dangerous elements that create
disorders on your body such as damaging DNA, ageing problems etc. Antioxidants
shed down those problems by neutralizing these radicals. This white tea is
fully loaded with these nutritious elements.
Combat cancer
It does not allow the cancer growing cell to regenerate again
in your body. Different types of cancer such as colon, prostate, and stomach
cancers can be totally eradicated by taking this tea on regular basis. It is
sometimes used as prescription drug which does not have any side effects
Blood Pressure
White tea has the capability to thin the blood clot and boost
up the arteries functioning. it reduces the blood pressure and promote good
health. In addition by taking this tea regularly you can get strong blood
vessels and can combat against negative effects of stroke
Controls cholesterol level
Catechines, a class of anti oxidants present in white tea
helps in reducing cholesterol level in the blood. This cholesterol are
categorized into two types one is good and the other is bad. Good cholesterol contains
the health fat which promotes good health where as bad fat leads to death. This
white tea cut down the bad cholesterol and boost up the good ones. Hardening of
arteries and blood cell blockage can be reduced to large extent by drinking it
on regular basis.
Protect your heart
This white protects you against thinning of blood, reduces
blood pressure, control cholesterol by controlling all these factors you can
definitely protect your heart as well as the blood circulatory system. It is
observed by the researches that the people whoever drinks two to three cups of
white tea every day is less prone to less attacks. White tea is considered as
the best heart tonic
Promotes stronger bones
In the studies made, it was found that the people whoever
drink white tea have stronger bone density compared to non-drinkers. The people
suffering with diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis can get rid of those by drinking this
tea regularly
Combat against bacteria and virus
It fights and kills the bacteria and viruses in your body
thereby promoting good immune system. You can eradicate wide range of diseases
such as flu, cold etc easily.
Get healthy teeth and gums
This tea promotes strong and healthy gums and teeth for the
human being since, it are very rich in antioxidants and fluorides. The people whoever
is suffering with severe gum problems have to take this tea but before that you
need to consult doctors. The bacteria
that are spreading plaque, cavities and bad breath are also killed by drinking
this tea.
Promotes healthy skin
The free radicals may cause wrinkles on your skin at younger
age due to exposing your skin to sun for long time, severe stress in your daily
work, poor diet etc. You can combat against these problems by drinking white
tea, since, this tea have the ability to fights against all these issues. This
tea promotes good health and glowing skin.
Fights diabetes
You can reduce the sugar levels in blood, which in turn
reduces the symptoms of diabetes. It has great
power than medicines to fights against disorders and diseases.
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