Sunday, 22 September 2013

Top 10 tips to keep your teeth strong and shiny

Sweet Smile is one of the most attractive features in an individual’s face. But if proper care is not taken to teeth and gums, you may lose the beautiful smile from your face. Drinking coffee, cigarette and taking sweet foods may decay your teeth and gums. Take the food that is rich in phosphorous, calcium and fluorine to keep your teeth enamel strong, white and dazzling.
The following are some necessary tips that has to be taken in order keep your sweet smile forever

Brush after eating or drinking foods
People drinking red wine, cigarettes, black tea, colas, gravies, dark juices have to brush after drinking these food items since, they leave stains on teeth. To remove those stains people have to use good bleaching agent or eat an apple for cleaning the teeth and to keep your smile long lasting.

Change your toothbrush
Regularly i.e. once in two or three months you need to change the head of your electric tooth brush. If not, it may transfer bacteria to your mouth and affects your gums. It is recommended by expert dentist that people have to brush in circular motion instead of back and front motion.

Clean your tongue regularly
Wash your tongue regularly with tongue scraper to remove the plague that is accumulated on your tongue and to fresh your breath. You can relieve from bad breath by cleaning your tongue daily.

Avoid chewing tobacco
Chewing tobacco may change the color of your teeth to yellow and in turn may leads to severe health problems. So, avoid eating tobacco in order to get rid of stained and yellowish teeth.

Brush twice a day
It is a best practice to brush your teeth twice a day. You can stop the generation of plague inside your teeth by brushing in morning and night before going to sleep. By practicing this health habit you can totally get rid of gum and teeth related problems.

Drink sufficient amount of water
Drink plenty of water before and after meals and also gargle your teeth after taking meals to rinse out the food that is accumulated in between your gums and teeth. By doing so, you can keep your teeth clean, shining and stain free.

Eat detergent foods
Eat crisp and firm food that prevent stain and clean your teeth. Some of such foods include apple, carrot, celery, pop corn, etc.  Take this detergent food at last of your meal in order to achieve tremendous results. People can eat this food if they cannot brush the teeth during night times.

Gargle your teeth with Apple cider vinegar
Before brushing your teeth gargle your teeth with apple cider vinegar. This vinegar removes all the stains on your teeth and kills the bacteria that is accumulated in your mouth and keeps your teeth white and strong.

Use baking soda to wash your teeth
Brush your teeth once in a week with baking soda, this remove the stains and whitens your teeth. You use this soda or salt as an alternative for tooth paste. Intake of this baking soda may increase the sodium levels in your body so, just spit it out.  In case, if you found your gums is becoming raw then brush with salt every alternate day.

Use Whitening toothpaste                                                            
There are many different types of toothpaste available in market place which removes the plague and stains on your teeth. By removing the stains your teeth become white and shining. Take the assistance of doctor for choosing the toothpaste that gives good results.
Follow all the above mentioned tips in order to get white and strong teeth

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