Sunday, 29 September 2013

Amazing benefits of strawberries

Strawberries are a citrus fruits that is embedded with many nutrients and vitamins such as A, E and B-complex in it. Eating these tasty fruits regularly promotes good health. There are many health been benefits associated by taking strawberries in your healthy diet. It helps you to get relieve from harmful diseases and ageing problems. It is packed with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties in it. You can take it directly or in the form of juice in your daily meals or breakfast.
Some of the amazing health benefits of strawberries are mentioned below:

Improves immunity
Taking strawberries helps to boost up the body immunity. Since, it is packed with rich nutrients and minerals.  The water content present in it helps to dissolve these micro nutrients in your body easily and quickly. Excess amount of vitamin c present in this fruits helps to rejuvenate the blood cells and combat against various infections such as cough, cold, etc.

Rich in anti-oxidants
The anti oxidants present in strawberries fights against the free radicals present in the blood. These free radicals decay the telomere of the chromosomes and causes ageing problems. You can eradicate these free radicals and keep your ageing at bay by taking strawberries daily.  The micro nutrients packed in strawberries prevent the free radicals from affecting the telomeres. As a result, reducing the ageing effects

Get good vision
Vitamin A element present in strawberries is very good for eyes. By taking this fruit keeps your eyes healthy. It was clinically proved in the laboratory by experts. This fruit has to be taken by every person especially by kids in their food. Since, they organs are in development stage.  Taking this fruits keep you away from infections and improves your eye sight.

Strawberries are packed with large amounts of phenols and their compounds. These elements fight against the enzyme cyclogenase from attacking the human body. The enzymes in the body generates many inflammatory diseases such as asthma, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis etc

Combat against cancer
Taking strawberries does not allow the cancer cells to grow and prevents regeneration of new cells in the body.  The anti-oxidants and anti –inflammatory property present in strawberries eradicates the cancerous cells.  It is the best fruit recommended by experts to combat against cancer.

Combats bad cholesterol
Eating fast food and other junk food generates bad cholesterol in the body.  The micro nutrients and minerals present in strawberries helps in dissolving the bad cholesterols that is accumulated in the body. It keeps you away from ageing problems, heart strokes, and attacks. In addition, the blood circulation in the body is done properly without depositing the bad cholesterol in the blood vessels.  

It is important to take strawberries in your daily meals to promote good health. 

Top ten amazing health benefits associated with swimming

The most beautiful sport that is loved and enjoyed by every individual irrespective of age is swimming. You can get relieved from stress and can relax after working hard in offices or business when you touch the water. People can feel good and relaxed when they swim for an hour. Apart from feeling good there are many more health benefits associated with this sport. Few of them include:

Controls blood pressure and cholesterol
The cholesterol levels and blood pressure in your body are maintained at optimum levels. It keeps your heart healthy and your body in good shape. Boys can get well toned body by doing swimming regularly.  In addition, it keeps the functioning of your lungs proper and therefore promoting good health.

Maintain fitness
Swimming boosts the stamina of a person and also keeps the cardiovascular fitness. In addition, it makes the joints in the human body very flexible. People who are dreamt of toned abs and upper arms have to regularly go for swimming in order to achieve them.

Reduce the flab
People in today’s world are sitting and working in front of systems for longer hours because of which they are gaining lot of weight suddenly. So, in order to lose that weight people are going for weight loss treatments, which are very harmful and have many side effects. Instead of undergoing such treatments people can lose weight at faster pace just by swimming for an hour regularly. It is the best and most effective type of exercise that is preferred by most of the people and is kept as one of the exercise in their weight loss schedule.

Easy exercise during summer
People get irritated due to generation of lot of sweat during summer while carrying out their workouts such as gyming or aerobic exercises. They even get exhausted soon. So, in order to get relieve from the sweat and to gain the result of the workouts, people have to carry out swimming for an hour.

In addition to the above mentioned advantages there are many more tremendous benefits associated with swimming. They include
  1. You can avoid the injuries to your wrist and chin while carrying out the workout by doing swimming. You does not get tired soon even after doing swimming for 2 hours.  It does not generate any sweat or injure your body. It is the exercise where people can try new kinds of strokes in order to achieve perfect body
  2. It is an effective warm up exercise before carrying out something big or an relaxation exercise after something is done big
  3. People who ever are suffering with back ache have to go for swimming regularly in order to make their back strong and flexible. In addition, it is also best exercise for pregnant women and people suffering with arthritis. Pregnant women have to consult the doctor before going for swimming
  4. People can get rid from stress, depression etc by doing swimming. Since, it the exercise which generates endorphins. These endorphins are the happy hormones which keep you happy and pleasant.
  5. Swimming circulates blood to all parts and promotes good health
  6. It boosts the memory power of a person. It should be carried out by every person especially by kids order to improve their memory power
It is the best and an effective physical exercise that promotes good health. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Top 10 tips to keep your teeth strong and shiny

Sweet Smile is one of the most attractive features in an individual’s face. But if proper care is not taken to teeth and gums, you may lose the beautiful smile from your face. Drinking coffee, cigarette and taking sweet foods may decay your teeth and gums. Take the food that is rich in phosphorous, calcium and fluorine to keep your teeth enamel strong, white and dazzling.
The following are some necessary tips that has to be taken in order keep your sweet smile forever

Brush after eating or drinking foods
People drinking red wine, cigarettes, black tea, colas, gravies, dark juices have to brush after drinking these food items since, they leave stains on teeth. To remove those stains people have to use good bleaching agent or eat an apple for cleaning the teeth and to keep your smile long lasting.

Change your toothbrush
Regularly i.e. once in two or three months you need to change the head of your electric tooth brush. If not, it may transfer bacteria to your mouth and affects your gums. It is recommended by expert dentist that people have to brush in circular motion instead of back and front motion.

Clean your tongue regularly
Wash your tongue regularly with tongue scraper to remove the plague that is accumulated on your tongue and to fresh your breath. You can relieve from bad breath by cleaning your tongue daily.

Avoid chewing tobacco
Chewing tobacco may change the color of your teeth to yellow and in turn may leads to severe health problems. So, avoid eating tobacco in order to get rid of stained and yellowish teeth.

Brush twice a day
It is a best practice to brush your teeth twice a day. You can stop the generation of plague inside your teeth by brushing in morning and night before going to sleep. By practicing this health habit you can totally get rid of gum and teeth related problems.

Drink sufficient amount of water
Drink plenty of water before and after meals and also gargle your teeth after taking meals to rinse out the food that is accumulated in between your gums and teeth. By doing so, you can keep your teeth clean, shining and stain free.

Eat detergent foods
Eat crisp and firm food that prevent stain and clean your teeth. Some of such foods include apple, carrot, celery, pop corn, etc.  Take this detergent food at last of your meal in order to achieve tremendous results. People can eat this food if they cannot brush the teeth during night times.

Gargle your teeth with Apple cider vinegar
Before brushing your teeth gargle your teeth with apple cider vinegar. This vinegar removes all the stains on your teeth and kills the bacteria that is accumulated in your mouth and keeps your teeth white and strong.

Use baking soda to wash your teeth
Brush your teeth once in a week with baking soda, this remove the stains and whitens your teeth. You use this soda or salt as an alternative for tooth paste. Intake of this baking soda may increase the sodium levels in your body so, just spit it out.  In case, if you found your gums is becoming raw then brush with salt every alternate day.

Use Whitening toothpaste                                                            
There are many different types of toothpaste available in market place which removes the plague and stains on your teeth. By removing the stains your teeth become white and shining. Take the assistance of doctor for choosing the toothpaste that gives good results.
Follow all the above mentioned tips in order to get white and strong teeth

Monday, 9 September 2013

Amazing health benefits of eating bananas

Bananas have many vital nutrients and calcium that helps in promoting strong and healthy bones. The people eating bananas regularly can overcome dull skin and rough hair problems to large extent. You can use this fruits for face packs which we can make easily in our homes without any suggestion of beautician. Here are some of the wonderful benefits associated by eating bananas include

Moisturizes and hydrates your skin
Bananas are very rich in vitamin B6 and C which has abundant amount of water in it. Eating this fruit nourishes and hydrates your skin. In turn promotes glowing and soft skin. It removes the roughness in your skin and makes it elastic by adding it to your diet. You can moisturize your skin by applying its pulp as face pack and wash out after 15min with lukewarm water.

Reduces ageing
The free radicals which cause wrinkles on your face at very young age but the nutrients present in this fruits fights against these radicals and make you look young even in the age of 40’s. You can apply banana peel on your face on regular basis in order to get rid of wrinkles. Apply this peel for about 15 min and wash out with lukewarm water. In addition, you can even mash banana and add some rose water to the paste and apply it on your face for about 30 minutes.

Get smooth and soft feet
The moisturizing capability present in banana is best for curing the cracked heels. Take two bananas and mash it into pulp then apply to your feet for 10 minutes and rinse it off with water. Apply this pulp on regular basis to get soft and smoother feet.

Combat against puffy or swollen eyes
The potassium element present in bananas helps in reducing the puffiness of your eyes. Mash a banana and apply it on to your eyes and rinse it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.  You can even apply banana peel under on the puffy eyes if you feel messy. It is the best and excellent techniques that can be used by anyone without any hassle. All the methods need to be opted in order to reduce puffiness on your eyes quickly and easily.

Reduces skin related problems
The skin related problems such as acne, pimples can be totally eradicated by applying banana on to your skin on regular basis. Otherwise, you can take small peel of banana and rub it on the affected area of your skin. Rub it until the peel turns into brown color. You have to do in the same way for every three days in order to totally get rid of pimple problems

Get smooth hair
Bananas are fully embedded with oils, carbohydrates, potassium and vitamins. Apply this on to your hair helps you in getting smoother and silky hair. It prevents spilt ends and fragileness of your end. Take a banana and mash it totally. Add some almond oil to this paste, apply to your hair and leave it for about 15 minutes then wash out with lukewarm water. You hair receives rich vitamins C and A that are present in banana. In addition, it acts as a best nourishing agent for your hair. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Why to drink white tea?

Teas have been used for medication from past centuries. They are many different types of tea available in the market using different flavors. But among all white tea is more prominent one. This is been taken by people all across the world and especially in China. Although this is the least processed tea but has high level of antioxidants embedded in it. It is considered as the best and excellent health drinks for all age people.

High anti-oxidant level
Your body is protected from free radicals by these anti-oxidants. These free radicals are highly dangerous elements that create disorders on your body such as damaging DNA, ageing problems etc. Antioxidants shed down those problems by neutralizing these radicals. This white tea is fully loaded with these nutritious elements.

Combat cancer
It does not allow the cancer growing cell to regenerate again in your body. Different types of cancer such as colon, prostate, and stomach cancers can be totally eradicated by taking this tea on regular basis. It is sometimes used as prescription drug which does not have any side effects

Reduces Blood Pressure
White tea has the capability to thin the blood clot and boost up the arteries functioning. it reduces the blood pressure and promote good health. In addition by taking this tea regularly you can get strong blood vessels and can combat against negative effects of stroke

Controls cholesterol level
Catechines, a class of anti oxidants present in white tea helps in reducing cholesterol level in the blood. This cholesterol are categorized into two types one is good and the other is bad. Good cholesterol contains the health fat which promotes good health where as bad fat leads to death. This white tea cut down the bad cholesterol and boost up the good ones. Hardening of arteries and blood cell blockage can be reduced to large extent by drinking it on regular basis.

Protect your heart
This white protects you against thinning of blood, reduces blood pressure, control cholesterol by controlling all these factors you can definitely protect your heart as well as the blood circulatory system. It is observed by the researches that the people whoever drinks two to three cups of white tea every day is less prone to less attacks. White tea is considered as the best heart tonic

Promotes stronger bones
In the studies made, it was found that the people whoever drink white tea have stronger bone density compared to non-drinkers. The people suffering with diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis can get rid of those by drinking this tea regularly

Combat against bacteria and virus
It fights and kills the bacteria and viruses in your body thereby promoting good immune system. You can eradicate wide range of diseases such as flu, cold etc easily.

Get healthy teeth and gums
This tea promotes strong and healthy gums and teeth for the human being since, it are very rich in antioxidants and fluorides. The people whoever is suffering with severe gum problems have to take this tea but before that you need to consult doctors.  The bacteria that are spreading plaque, cavities and bad breath are also killed by drinking this tea.

Promotes healthy skin
The free radicals may cause wrinkles on your skin at younger age due to exposing your skin to sun for long time, severe stress in your daily work, poor diet etc. You can combat against these problems by drinking white tea, since, this tea have the ability to fights against all these issues. This tea promotes good health and glowing skin.

Fights diabetes

You can reduce the sugar levels in blood, which in turn reduces the symptoms of diabetes. It has great  power than medicines to fights against disorders and diseases. 

Thursday, 5 September 2013

How to remove the hair color completely from your hair?

Every individual would like to color their hair in order to make it look beautiful and attractive with different styles. It is the makeover that is used by every person irrespective of age. Various types of shades are available for coloring the hair such as brown, black, grey, burgundy, gold, red, blue etc. most of the people usually change the color of their hair constantly but to remove the color quickly there are many tips available. Because, coloring of hair is much easier than removing it. It is a daunting task for every individual. Here are the few tips given in order to remove the hair color easily without any hassle

Use Cloth detergents with less chemical content
The detergents use in laundry has high chemical content you can use those detergents to wash out your hair color up to 75% but that may cause damage to your hair. So use the detergents that have less chemical content and are free from bleach. Use only one table spoon of detergents at a time. However, washing out with detergent also contains some mild amount of chemical so you need to take care of your hair after washing out quickly in order to avoid dryness and fragile.

Use tablets that constitutes of vitamin C to break the chemicals in dye
Take few vitamin c tablets and make them into fine powder. Add some water and make paste of it. Apply the paste to your damp hair and wash it out after an hour. The acid present in the tablets helps to break down the chemical components in the dye and remove the dye as easily and quickly without much stress. Apply this paste for two to three times in order to remove it totally from your hair

Massage with hot oil
Hot oil is an excellent and natural way opted by many people to remove dye from your hair. Massage on your scalp especially near the roots and tips evenly. After massing, take a clean towel and wrap up your hair for at least an hour and wash out with hot water. The added advantage of doing this is that it removes dye from your hair and also nourishes your hair follicles

Use baking soda
It is the ingredient that is available at your home. This soda is a natural bleaching agent that helps you out to lighten the shade of hair color from your hair easily and quickly. Use this soda along with your shampoo and apply it on your hair strands. But before apply wet your hair with warm water and rinse off after an hour. Apply this paste from 2 to 3 times to get better results.

Use lemon juice
Squeeze out lemon juice and apply it to your hair. The citric acid present in lemon helps in lightning the hair color. Put shower cap after applying it and before shampooing the hair you need to rinse off with warm water.
Apply anti-dandruff shampoo
Use anti-dandruff shampoo instead of normal shampoo to remove the hair dye completely from your hair. Since, it comprises of high percentage of sebum. But you need to rinse your hair for at least seven to eight times in 2 to 3 days in order to remove the hair color. Add some amount of baking powder in the shampoo in order to achieve quicker results.

Use hair color remover
Hair colors are categorized into different types such as permanent, temporary and semi permanent. There are many hair color remover creams and lotion are available in the market place. Choose the best one that suits your hair and apply it. These hair color help to remove the hair color without much hassle from your hair in two to three washes. The remover should be selected based on the type of hair color you have applied for your hair.

Apply bleach and dye your hair once again
Apply bleach to your hair in order to remove the color from your hair. But after that you have may look etched and with blonde look. It is recommended to apply natural hair color after bleach in order to retain the original shine of your hair.