Monday 27 May 2013

The Lion and the Mouse

Once there lived a clever lion in a dense forest.  It was a hot summer day; all the animals went into their caves after search of food. The lion after chasing for the day came near the big tree for taking rest under cool shades of the tree. When he came near the tree he thought of taking a small nap, the mouse which sat beside the tree saw the lion and came near it and started playing and dancing on its back. The lion got disturbed and felt like something is moving on it. When it woke up and saw a little and witty mouse was moving around it and playing with its tail.

The lion took it with his jaws and says, Oh! Little mouse how dare to play on me.  I will crush you under my jaws.

For this the little mouse replies, sir please excuse me for this time I will never repeat this again. For this mistake I will surely help you some time when you are in trouble.

By hearing these funny words lion laughed at the mouse and says, you’re unable to escape from me now then how you can help me when I am in trouble. The mouse however had convinced the lion, and the lion was pleased with the mouse words and left it without harming. As soon as lion left the mouse, it ran away happily from the vicinity.  Few months later the same lion was caught and trapped in the net that was laid by the hunters the lion roared for help but nobody in the forest heard his roaring sound and was left helpless. But the little mouse passing on the way found the lion trapped in the net. Soon came near the lion and said oh my friend don’t worry I will rescue you from here just give few minutes. The little mouse then went near the lion and started cutting the net that was thrown on the lion with its sharp teeth and within no time the mouse could cut the entire net and rescued the lion. The lion was thankful to the mouse for saving his life from hunter. 

The mouse said Oh! Friend you have made fun of me but now see I have rescued you. Friend I have realized my mistake now I learnt that even small creatures can help a powerful and strong friend like me. The lion and mouse became good friends in no time and started leaving as friends ever after.

So friends don’t underestimate any person, though he may not be strong enough than you but sometime he may help you out when you’re in risky situations. See the mouse how small when compared with lion it had rescued the lion from the dangerous situation. Each person has some positive thing in him that may not be with others. The talent in everyone will come out at the right time (everyone has their own limitations).
So friends don’t underestimate any person, though he may not be strong enough than you but sometime he may help you out when you’re in risky situations. See the mouse how small when compared with lion it had rescued the lion from the dangerous situation. Each person has some positive thing in him that may not be with others. The talent in everyone will come out at the right time (everyone has their own limitations).

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