Friday, 1 November 2013

Benefits of egg yolk

Most of the people do not use egg yolk because people believe that eating it adds extra calories to their body. So, they just take the egg white and throw away the egg yolk. Mostly health conscious people will do it.  But instead of wasting it you can use the leftover egg yolk for various purposes such as cooking, skin care, beauty care, and hair care. Proper care has to be taken in order to store it for longer time without getting stale.

There are many benefits associated with the leftover egg yolk. Some of them include:

Apply as conditioner for hair

Egg yolk is fully loaded with essential fat and proteins that are required for hair. Applying of egg yolk to hair on regular basis helps you to make your hair smooth and soft. It is one of the brilliant and easily available ingredients that can be used for conditioning your hair. It moisturizes your hair and makes you hair silky and free from fragileness.

You need to add other ingredients along with egg yolk i.e. one spoon of olive oil and a cup of water. Stir all these ingredients properly and apply it to your hair for at least an hour and rinse off with lukewarm water. This is the conditioner that has zero chemical content. It doesn't harm your hair in any outlook.

Make yummy yellow cake
To prepare delicious cake you need to first prepare cake batter and add yellow food color and egg yolk and white to cake recipe. To get more yellow color you can add two egg yolks instead of complete egg.

Make a face mask
You can make a natural face mask using this left over egg yolk. Beat the egg and segregate the egg white and egg yolk. Apply egg yolk as mask to your face for at least 15 to 30 minutes and wash it off with cold water. This is a home-made face mask that can be applied on all skin types. This is cheap and quickest way to make your skin soft and fresh. Instead of going for parlors you can apply this mask and gain good results.

Prepare sauces
Egg yolk is the primary ingredient for preparing tasty and delicious sauces. You can prepare different variety of sauces such as Hollandaise Sauce, Avocado Bernaise Sauce or Mayonnaise, pasta sauces by using egg yolk as one of the ingredient.

Make tempera paint
You can make dazzling and amazing painting with the help of egg yolk. Most of the people feel it incredible but is the fact that has to be believed by people. The paintings created with the help of egg yolk lasts for longer period of time. This adds beauty and charm to your walls.  The process to make paint with the help of it is very easy and simple. You just need to add powdered color pigments, three spoon of water and egg yolk. It should be made in the form of paste. You need mix all these ingredients and stir it thoroughly until you get a smooth and soft paint.

Prepare pudding
You can prepare soft, silky and simple pudding by including egg yolk as one of the ingredient in the preparation process. The main reason behind adding yolk is to get silky texture. You can prepare any flavored pudding such as chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch, etc by mixing egg yolk as an ingredient in the pudding recipe.

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