Saturday, 1 June 2013

Few Remedies to Control Hair fall

Now-a-days we see hair fall in the people at the young age. Most of the youngsters are getting bald head at very young age. The causes of this may be due to malnutrition, stress, heredity, split ends, prolonged illness etc. Apart from this increased pollution is the main cause of hair fall especially for the people living in metropolitan areas. Losing 40 to 50 strands of hair is common but if you lose more than 50 strands every day you have to take serious care on your hair otherwise they may result in bald head. Most of the people don’t know how to overcome this problem.  

Here are few remedies to control hair fall
  • Don’t comb you hair when it is wet. Because there are more chances of hair breakage when it is wet
  • Massage you scalp with warm oil (amla oil, coconut oil, olive oil) regularly. By doing so the blood circulation to you scalp will be proper and this promote to hair growth and makes hair strong
  •  Don’t wash your hair with hot water, either use cold water or water at room temperature
  • Avoid using hair dryer until and unless it is necessary. Using hair dryers regularly makes your hair brittle
  • Hair styling is important now-a-days to look beautiful but undergoing heat treatment for different hair styles makes your dry hair and directly results in hair fall
  • Apply egg white to your scalp for an hour and wash with warm water, it makes your hair silky and shiny
  •  Eat proteins containing food to keep your hair strong. Because the main food required for keeping hair healthy are proteins. So try to take dry fruits, sprouts etc in your morning breakfast. The vitamins that is required for your hair is A, C & E. So, take food that supplying these vitamins. Iron deficiency also leads to severe hair fall especially in women. Eat olives, spinach, fresh parsley etc.  to overcome iron deficiency
  •  Do exercises daily that increase the blood circulation to your body and in turn help in simulation of your scalp
  • Avoid taking coffee regularly because it blocks the nutrients that feeds the hair and results in hair fall
  • Drink plenty of water daily
  • Avoid chemical shampoo to wash your scalp. Use a mild shampoo to rinse your hair
  • Trim your hair once in a month to avoid split ends
  • Apply coconut milk to your hair it keep your hair soft and healthy
  • Apply coriander leaves juice to your hair, it also prevents hair loss and boost up hair growth
  • Boil henna leaves in mustard oil and apply to your hair, this helps in hair growth
  • Regular application of castor oil for hair also helps in luxuriant hair growth

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